Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Asshat Quote of the Day

The Tiny God with the massive intellect has paid our humble little abode a visit. It's fantastic reading...

coz you know.. you guys are so.. so.... stupid.. or something.


Lynne said...

Tom, wow he truly is a mental midget, even with an IQ of 172 (ya). I agree that his brand of looniness is classic, but I have to say, I've found some right wing blogs that are actually worse (if you can believe that). If you get a minute, check out this shit: This woman is completely out of her fucking mind. She also only allows comments that she agrees with and deletes me every time.

Bolm said...

It's a fine line hey... lol.
Some days I'm like
'Fuck Tom.... another 11-screen-scroller dissection of a Doug post? Seriously?'
But you've taken - at least it seems - a new direction lately where you're posting a bit more substance and a wider variety of topics and then neatly linking it back to Doug with a short quip.
I can handle that... :)

I'm convinced there's a greater good here; You don't do it for our sake but rather so that for as long as the internet exists a google of Doug Gibbs should say
'did you mean to search for batshit crazy loon?'.

But WTF... I'd love to use modern neurological science to examine the real differences in brain chemistry and function between religious conservatives and liberal athiests.
What thought processes can possibly be going on in Doug's mind that makes him delete your comments from his blog but come here and give you a incoherent rant full of personal attacks?

Maybe he left a decimal point out of his 172 IQ....?

Nolm said...

PS.... B is right next to N on the keyboard....

Tom said...

Lynne, I'm not really looking for the craziest person possible.. but rather somebody who seems a somewhat mainstream 'christian conservative' type.

It's hard to describe, but Doug has the perfect blend of conservatism, christianity, and crazy... plus he's rather prolific, and is dumb enough to make it easy to parse.

Oh.. and Nolm.. I'm grateful you approve.. har..

No offense (honestly), but I don't do anything for your sake.. this is just my thing, and if I start annoying the crap out of people.. well, that's okay.

Nolm said...

lol. I know you don't (do it for our sake). Unfortunately tone remains hard to convey on the intarwebz :)