Image from a tea-bagger event..
Threatening the President of the United States is a federal crime. I would suggest the Secret Service arrest this individual and charge him with multiple felonies.
What we're seeing is the seedy underbelly of the racist gun freak anti-government crowd. They horde assualt rifles and embrace paranoia.
Crazy.. as.. fuck
By the way.. many of these "protests" were held in public parks.. paid for by.. you know.. tax payer money.
Stupid.. as.. fuck
I wouldn't have a problem with their protest if they could come up with a cohesive message. Comparing Obama to Hitler and calling for their deaths is ridiculous and dangerous.
I don't have a problem with a protest, even if they have no real idea what they are protesting against. It makes good fodder for pointing and laughing..
Rather.. it's a good way to draw a contrast to progressive politics..
Comparing Obama to Hitler is bizare, but fine.. people can call him whatever they want.. but threatening violence is a federal crime. That's a completely different thing.
Those individuals need to be arrested, and prosecuted, and punished as proscribed by the law..
I spent yaers bashing Bush's policies, and mocking his chimp like behavior.. but there was never any question about the personal safety of him or anyone else.
These right wing psychopaths are armed and highly dangerous. Tim McVeigh was not just an abberation.. he was just the rare loon that wasn't fundamentally a coward.
Crazy and brave.. scary combination.
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