I'm sure most of you are not cable TV news junkies. I "work from home" a lot, so the teevee is on all day or it's just too quiet.. I flip back and forth between the history channel and MSNBC (with a bit of Faux thrown in for fun).
Well, that's not quite true.. if I actually have to do some work, I'll turn on some music instead. Believe it or not, I can write code while listening to Opeth.. but I'm better at it when Nine Inch Nails is on..
Anyway.. Ed Schulz is a new talking head on MSNBC. He'd been a "guest" quite a bit in the past, and I've heard his radio program a few times.
ugh... He's just awful
It's not that I'm in complete opposition to his politics. He's pretty much progressive, but he's just awful in debate and he doesn't explain the progressive ideology very well.
His tone is awful.. his style is wooden and it's obvious he's trying to force a performance out of himself rather than just let it flow. They've got cameras doing dramatic pullbacks and such.. and this really weird Queer Eye for the Straight Guy decor on his set... or more like.. the Daily Kos exploded on his set... it's so.. orange..
Keith Olberman eviscerates conservatives like Hitchens does Christians. Rachel Maddow has a nice sense of humor and is very substantive. Ed Schulz seems to be trying to come off as a hard-hat Liberal. It's not working.
Rachel Maddow was extremely stiff when she started out. Maybe he'll relax and the show will evolve. Give it time; he seems like a good guy.
Ya.. I guess we'll see.. but I'd rather have seen somebody with a bit more charisma get the job.
Yea, but they have Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews, not much charisma there either.
Stephanie Miller... because shes a cougar.
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