Wednesday, February 25, 2009


NEW YORK – MSNBC's Chris Matthews quietly uttered "Oh God" as Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal prepared to give the Republican Party response to President Barack Obama's speech to Congress.

An NBC executive, who requested anonymity because the network is still looking into the matter, named Matthews as the one who made the live mike slip — it was so quiet most listeners wouldn't be able to identify the speaker.

The Huffington Post posted a link to the comment and asked viewers to guess Wednesday who had made it: 32 percent had guessed Matthews, 35 percent said it was co-anchor Keith Olbermann, 15 percent said it was an MSNBC camera operator and 18 percent thought it was a producer.

MSNBC had no immediate comment.

Jindal v. Obama really illuminates the difference between the two political movements. Obama had a terrific presentation, speaking to the American people as if they were adults.. substantive, with clear ideas and direction for the nation. Jindal seemed like he was leading a tour for 4th graders. His tonal inflection was like fingernails on the blackboard.

However.. Conservatives think Jindal was more persuasive and had a better presentation. That fits perfectly with the difference in depth of the two ideologies. One speaks to a room full of adults, by adults.. and one is crayon scribbles on the coloring book.

Until the Republican party grows up and gets some clear and level headed, non-Jebus flogging adults, to represent a more grown-up movement, they will be a minority.

I'm pretty sure they'll go the Sarah Palin route... Gorak I hope so.

By the way.. Jindal whined about Federal money being used for "something called volcano monitoring".. while ignoring the fact that he asked for Federal money to shore up infrastructure in Louisiana to guard against hurricanes.

"Something called volcano monitoring"? It's monitoring volcanoes to make sure we can warn people that they're about to get covered in lava.. you stupid fuck.

Can you say Mount St. Hellens? Sure.. I knew you could..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget he's the governor of the one of the states devastated by Katrina; clearly shoring up the levees was not on top of his "to do" list. apparently he doesn't feel the need to prevent tragedy, just clean up the mess afterwards.