Mullet Jesus.
(my view is that Jesus is a fictional literary character, and so any sort of making fun of it is the same as making fun of.. say.. Batman)
I was going to leave this just as a comment in this thread, but as usual, what started out small turned into a long rant.
Steve and Dan have explained it pretty well.
It's just a reflexive thing.. this difference in terms. Jennifer just believes it should be called a "civil union" for a reason.. and that reason is the dehumanizing factor.
If I go on much more, I'll just be repeating myself.. but the arguments are word-for-word identical to those used to oppose inter-racial marriage. I think maybe I'll look up the transcripts from Loving v. Virginia to pull out the relevant passages that match.
As I said before... I don't particularly give a shit what it's called.. as long as it's called the same for everyone. They got it right in Massachusetts.. in Canada.. in many European nations..
But.. it is dehumanizing because it legitimizes the bigotry.. and your list of horrors is quite irrelevant.. as if only a physical assault can cause incredible pain. You really have no idea, and this belittling of what so many people have gone through is such a classic "conservative" trait. This is why I disdain that type of thinking, and those that are completely incapable of understanding why they are simply vile human beings.
You have no idea what Christianity.. what religion.. has done.. None. And you make religion a central part of your life, and devote every part of yourself to it.. and you are completely incapable of questioning it. Then you make up different rules for me, and then wonder how I can think your brand of Christianity is just like all the others? It is by definition the same.
If you lost your faith, you'd lose that which you think keeps you sane. That's why you can never face up it.. to question it.. to let it sink into you.
Look... you just don't get it.. I hope your son turns out gay so you might be forced to deal with it.. and think beyond that retarded rationalization that always gets thrown around... just as Dick Cheney had to do it.. and Dick Gephardt.. and the millions of other parents around the world. Ultimately, I think you'd harm your son's psyche just as you do your part of harming the psyche of all of us by your participation in societies debasement of gay men and women.
Your thinking will eventually be seen exactly as the "separate but equal" of the civil rights era.. and fortunately for you, you'll likely have no remorse for it.. but in the meantime, I make sure that I'm doing everything that I can to see that irrational style of thinking finally comes to an end.
And this is to say nothing for the Douglas V. Gibbs of the world... sick mother fuckers that they are. You at least get to think that you're somehow enlightened becuase you support "equal rights" even if it's a different set of rights for me.
I do have a lot of hope for the younger generations.. I know quite a few and I find them much more interesting then religious people.. who get bent about f-bombs and "angry" rants.. and who basically had their identity handed to them instead of deciding on their own.
Wednesday was "administrative professionals day", formerly secretaries day.. and John arranged to take his staff to a high-end restaurant.. and they asked him to bring me along.. They're great kids.. all less than 25 I think.. John is putting one through the college courses to get her real-estate license.. paying for the books.. everything.. and he'll teach her how to make a fuckload of money if that's what she wants to do. It never even occurs to them that there is something wrong with us.
Last Christmas, John bought her 4 kids the best holiday they've ever had, and it was a "secret" thing and to this day she doesn't know where it came from.
That's what we do for people who simply treat us like human beings. The rest can fuck off.. you won't get the benefit of being associated with us. It's not just about the money.. it's about doing the right thing by and for people.
When somebody tells me that the rules for them are different than the rules for me.. then my rules for them are quite different as well... and it's your fucking loss..
And that's really all I have to say about this. I don't like writing about gay issues, to be honest. I shouldn't have to. Once the law is the same for everyone.. once the bigotry dies.. then there's no reason to even have the discussion. Still, it just a small piece in the larger puzzle.
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