Sunday, March 16, 2008

Irianian Freak Bullshit

"I have voted once in 30 years, and that was for the creation of an Islamic Republic" says an old gentleman who deals in real estate. "I'm not going to get [expletive] again."

Driving back to the hotel late at night, my taxi driver is clearly drunk. As we careen along the near-empty expressway, he belts out made-up lyrics to "Old McDonald", ending in a refrain that has something to do with getting a visa to France and drinking viski. Pointing at a billboard of a senior bearded cleric he shouts, "Shaitan!" (Satan) and draws a finger across his throat. Somewhat timidly, I ask in my limited Farsi about the elections. He cackles with laughter, then clutches his head in mock-dismay.
I saw this bit at Sullivan's blog.. but read it in an entirely different context than Sully did.. after all, he's a gay, HIV Positive, very devout Catholic.. which is really bizarre..

The people of Iran despise their religious leaders. They don't buy into the freak religious bullshit of the Islamic assholes anymore than I buy into the religious freak bullshit of the American Christians..

Regardless.. what occurred to me.. is that we.. the United States are trying (at least the fundis are) to gin up a pretense to bomb the fuck out of the Iranians. Freaks like Doug think we're engaged in some sort of "holy war", or other.

I'd like to point out.. that the issue isn't the Iranian people.. who aren't as bug-fuck insane as we are lead to believe, but the issue is the religious freak brigade in Iran.. just exactly the same as the issue in the United States is the religious freak brigade we have.. lead by George Bush.. supported by really fucking insane people like Douglas V. Gibbs and his Loon Brigade.

These religious nuts are the mortal danger we face.. Religion is the danger.

It must.. and it will be stopped.. of that I have no doubt. With any luck.. and with Moore's Law on our side.. it'll happen.

And once there is no more reason to hate and desire to kill.. I wonder what those assholes next target will be? I hope it's each other.

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