Monday, June 25, 2007


"Here's a sobering observation," the Times editorial page wrote. "Any police officer who committed Delgadillo's offenses would be fired, and appropriately so. Why does the city's top law enforcement official get a better deal than its rank and file?"
Apparently the prosecutor who was aghast at the lenient treatment afforded to Paris Hilton is in some hot water of his own now. There's quite a list of bad behavior. It's amazing that he didn't anticipate anyone looking into his own past conduct once he set his sights on Paris.

The thing that strikes me as odd is that he's a high profile attorney, and still he's done some really stupid things. It's not like he didn't know what he was doing. But, I think bad behavior can be circular. I'd suspect that if you investigated the Times editorial writer that made the "sobering observation", he'd have a lot of dirt in his past as well... and so on and so forth.

The moral of the story is... people fuck up. Get over it.

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