Thursday, August 10, 2006

Quote of the Day

The future is grim. Until the Arab Muslim world lets go of its refusal to embrace modernity and its rigid, honor-bound defense of the most extreme version of Islam, we will have to fight a long grueling war, in which I fear some nuclear or WMD exchange is inevitable.
Sullivan is slowly losing his mind..

Oh.. and by "we" - he means everyone else that gets sent into the meat grinder. He lives in P-town you know.

I suppose I should spell out what Sully is saying there.. When he says "I fear" - he's setting up plausible deniability for what he really wants, but doesn't have the balls to say. He's really afraid, always has been. He's not looking at any peaceful way to resolve the situation. He's setting up his future arguments for nuking the fuck out of Iran and Syria.

Me? I'm just going to spend a week in Hawaii for my birthday. Hope the Japanese don't invade again while I'm there..

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