NEW YORK - She's got that pregnant glow, but it is Angelina Jolie's humanitarian efforts that make her most radiant, according to People magazine. The pillow-lipped actress graces the cover of People's "100 Most Beautiful People" issue, on newsstands Friday. It's her fourth time on the list, but first as cover girl.I dig Angelina Jolie.. as I've mentioned before, she's really the only Hollywood actress that stands out..
The magazine didn't forget her boyfriend Brad Pitt, or her two children, either. People named the globe-trotting Jolie-Pitt clan the "World's Most Beautiful Family."You do know that the offspring of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will be the 2nd coming of Christ, right? Be on the look out for 3 Magi on camels in Beverly Hills..
The world may have to wait several more weeks for the arrival of the Brangelina offspring: Jolie told NBC News that she is shy of eight months pregnant, according to MSNBC's web site.
I've always said that there is a life lottery.. and most of us scored pretty damn high (we could be poor Amazon tribesmen with plates in our lips after all).. The Pitt/Jolie kid has won the gene pool lottery of all time..
The Pitt/Jolie kid has won the gene pool lottery of all time..
What, you mean moreso than Suri Cruise? :p
Lets compare in 20 years.. I'll bet the Pitt kid turns out to be phenomenal, and the Cruise kid is in therapy..
Actually.. now that I think about it.. The Cruise kid might just be the anti-Christ.. you know.. to balance out the Pitt-Christ..
Or.. maybe Pitt has a boy.. to join forces with the Cruise kid.. in order to bring about the Kwizats Haderack..
I'm not sure how the Pitt kid will turn out, because Jolie isn't always the most "normal" of people, but she could be a hell of a mother for all I know.
Cruise on the other hand - well, we know the kind of crazy psycho dad she's going to have.... Not much of a chance for her I don't think.
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