Don't know how I missed this story. Apparently a bunch of religious organizations in Utah got together to support legislation banning the use of torture by the American governement (as if it wasn't already banned by Geneva Conventions).
Of course.. the Mormons were not about to support the legislation.
"The church has not taken a position on any proposed legislative or administrative actions regarding torture."Isn't that amusing.. So, why aren't the Mormons vocal in protesting the use of torture? Well, they like it.. I can just picture groups of horned up Mormon men in their magic underwear, whacking off at a frantic pace while watching The Passion of the Christ..
By contrast, a Utah interfaith statement calls on Congress and President Bush to "rule out 'any and all use of torture' of war prisoners as an option for the U.S. government or its agents." It affirmed a similar statement issued Nov. 9 by the National Council of Churches stating, "Torture turns its face against the biblical truth that all humans are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27). It denies the preciousness of human life and the dignity of every human being by reducing its victims to the status of despised objects, no matter how noble the cause for which it is employed."
They really are a bunch of sick fuckers..
Via Jesus' General:
** update **
And while I'm at it.. More Momon hatred here:
LDS Church leaders Wednesday took an official stand in the politically charged debate over same-sex marriage, issuing a statement that a church spokesman said supports state and federal efforts to constitutionally ban gay marriages.Of course.. they'd prefer it read "lawful union of a man and as many women as he wants".
The statement issued by the church's governing First Presidency reads: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints favors a constitutional amendment preserving marriage as the lawful union of a man and a woman."
But wait.. there's more..
He said in addition to banning same-sex marriages, the state amendment would prevent same-sex couples from rights such as inheritance, adoption and health insurance.So.. I should be calm about those assholes? I'm just over reacting?
It's not just marriage.. it's any forum of human dignity..
They are simply evil and those that support them are just as culpable.. so stop fucking telling me to calm down.. They are trying to destroy us just as sure as if they put a gun to our heads and pulled the trigger.
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