Friday, July 29, 2005

Quote of the Day

NOVOTNY: His opponent, Republican frontrunner Jean Schmidt, a former state representative who is not convinced that time served in battle can compare to experience at home.

JEAN SCHMIDT, OHIO REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: Everything's local. Of course, it's more important here. The issues that the people have are more important to those individuals than anything outside of that region.
Isn't that nice. The person that stays home and doesn't participate in a war is more qualified for Congress than a military vet returned from a war.

That's the Republican party in a nutshell, isn't it? Staying home in droves while waving their flags, and packing their pistols and hoping for a chance to shoot some Muslim in the head on the streets of Florida.

Now, don't get me wrong here. I don't think being a military vet instantly makes a person more qualified than somebody who has never served - but it is absurd on it's face to claim the exact opposite.

But hey.. the Republican's are the party of God, right? That makes everything a-okay..

** update **

Jesus' General throws his support behind Republican candidate Schmidt here. He also provides a nice photo so we can see what kind of person would "swift boat" an Iraq war vet.

Who can blame him? Look at that charisma, and Grand Canyon of a smile! Her qualifications are just stunning..

It's not often that we're blessed with a congressional candidate who so fervently believes:

- in fighting a war in which only the working class is expected to make sacrifices;

- that serving in the military constitutes an abandonment of your community;

- that elected officials are duty-bound by the principles of free-market capitalism to accept gifts from lobbyists in return for legislative favors; and

- that unwatched balls are very dangerous.

** update2 **

What prompted the committee's entry into the Schmidt-Hackett race was a comment made by Hackett in a USA Today article published Thursday. Hackett, talking about his service as a marine in Iraq, is quoted as saying, "I've said I don't like the son-of-a-b--- that lives in the White House. But I'd put my life on the line for him."

Because Hackett said that, Forti said, "we decided to bury him."
Republicans really are in a big hurry to bury the military guys, aren't they?

How about a picture of the Marine Major turned Congressional candidate?

I'm running for Congress because I know I can make a difference in Washington. I grew up right here in southern Ohio, steeped in our American values. Now I'm raising a family here. I understand what's at stake for my neighbors and people all across America. I won't sit on the sidelines and watch politics as usual take us in the wrong direction.

I was against the war. It was a misuse of our military that damaged our credibility throughout the world and squandered our political capital. Still, I volunteered to serve, and I have no regrets. But now we need to face the reality of the situation there. Our country has gone to war and every American must share in that responsibility.
Oh.. Paul.. you may have grown up in Ohio, but you left to go to that war in Iraq - therefore, the Republican who stayed home to listen to constituents and pander to lobbyists is infinitely more qualified! Besides, you didn't actually kill anybody did you? Coward...

** update 3 **

Here's my prediction. Paul Hackett is going to lose. The race is in a very Republican district of a red state. Jesus Christ himself would lose the election if he was the Democratic contender. That's how bat-shit crazy those people are.

Here's an idea for election day. As each person goes into the voting booth, if they pull the lever for the Republican, send them through the "other door" where they are issued Army fatigues, and put on a plane for Iraq.

The things I do to bring you people informed political commentary.. Sheesh..

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