Sunday, April 24, 2005

Science discovery of the day

Bobo Brooks has a cutesy article in the Times today. Link here:

Instead of pointing you to the dry science, might as well read his amusing take on it.

The release of a report in The Journal of the American Medical Association indicating that overweight people actually live longer than normal-weight people represents an important moment in the history of world civilization. It is the moment when we realize that Mother Nature - unlike Ivy League admissions committees - doesn't like suck-ups.

It turns out she doesn't like those body-worshiping, multi-abbed marvels who've spent so much time at the bench press machine they look as if they have thighs growing out of either side of their necks. She doesn't like those health-conscious rice cake addicts you see at Manhattan restaurants ordering a skinned olive for lunch and sitting there looking trim and fit in their tapered blouses while their buns of steel leave permanent dents in the upholstery.
My favorite part, but for an obvious different reason.

The shallowest people end up blissfully happy and they are so vapid they don't even realize how vapid they are because vapidity is the only trait that comes with its own impermeable obliviousness system.


Anonymous said...

SEE- that is why I don't diet lol

Anonymous said...

I feel even more beautiful now! Plus, since I carry a few extra pounds, I also have big boobs! The hubby ain't complaining!
