Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Worst President Ever

WASHINGTON -- In his press conference on Monday morning, President Barack Obama repeatedly insisted that he was willing to tackle some sacred cows as part of a larger package to raise the debt ceiling. Just how sacred, however, may surprise political observers.

According to five separate sources with knowledge of negotiations -- including both Republicans and Democrats -- the president offered an increase in the eligibility age for Medicare, from 65 to 67, in exchange for Republican movement on increasing tax revenues.

I don't give a fuck.. as long as it only applies to people who are under 45 at the time the bill is signed. I should be that magical age before it hits his desk.

How about that though? Hopey, changey.. the great Liberal savior.. hell bent on destroying the most sacred of sacred cows for Liberals... Social Security. Never mind that he advocated for the complete opposite during the campaign. If we know anything about Obama, it's that he's a serial liar and hypocrite.

You know why he's making those "concessions"? Not so he can get something in return from the Republicans. He's doing it because he wants to.. because he believes in it.. and because he thinks old ladies should be living in public parks, just like the Republicans insist. He actually is a Right Wing Loon - far far far to the right of George Bush. I really miss Bush and wish we could have him back as a matter of fact.

You know what's not "on the table"? Means testing Social Security and Medicare. Means testing, of course, is when the government looks at your assets and liability and determines your benefits accordingly. This way, millionaires are not given the same exact benefits as the poor.

It's not even an option.... because Obama has been bought. He's just owned by the wealthy, and so everything that he does serves that purpose.

He is, without a doubt, the worst President in the history of the United States. He's set back Liberal causes.. well.. forever. I doubt there will be any recovery from the legacy of that jackass.

All we can do is stop caring, and vote for the Republicans. Of course, it works much better if you have some money.

I can't tell you how badly I'd like to see a gay man as First Lady of the United States. Michelle Bachmann is probably an even greater disaster than Sarah Palin, and it would be the best thing ever if she wins. Bonus that the United States would be considered a laughing stock around the world.

1 comment:

Kor said...

The First Beard President to follow The First Black President... amusing.