Monday, April 19, 2010

Cowards, All

Some jackass wrote this, and Doug proudly copy/pasted it onto his blog;

I hope however that such will not come to pass. Because I fear that if it does come to pass the worst of all situations will befall this Republic. I fear that we will degenerate once again into war. However this time states will have a legitimate cause to leave the union. And I believe they will. It will however be unlike the previous time this was tried where states believed falsely that it was their right to secede in order to oppress persons within their boundaries and deny them their inalienable rights based on the color of their skin. But knowing tyrants as I do I know that the Tyrants of the Potomac will not allow such to happen.

For they will know that it shall be the productive that shall leave them and that it will be the looters which they will be left to rule over along with a dwindling Treasury with which to appease the classes they have made dependant upon their actions. The Tyrants of the Potomac will never allow freedom loving men and women to leave without a fight. I fear that blood will be spilled in the pursuit of unjust power. I fear that wives will lose their husbands, that children will lose their fathers and that brothers will lose their brothers and even once again be compelled to fight against them.

I fear that Americans will have to once again fight for their liberty in the manner that is always the last resort and that while the result of such a war may well be good, the battles themselves and individually will never be such.

Ya.. this time, the glorious revolution that will create mountains of dead bodies will be "just".

When you consider the psychosis of the Loon Brigade, fundamental cowardice is at it's heart. They want the blood bath.. but they want other people to do the fighting and dying for them. They fantasize about it.. as some sort of blood fetish.

They are exceptionally deranged individuals.. wishing "war" on a democratically elected government that's been in office less than a year and a half. Beyond that, threatening violence against government officials is a felony, and these fuckers tread a fine line.. not quite threatening everyone, but having the "sad face" that it's going to be a blood bath anyway.

I'm half tempted to report these fuckers to the FBI, because the rhetoric is exceptionally dangerous.. but then.. we all know that they're just day-dreaming, right? They'll piss themselves and start running at the first hint of a fight.

If they actually go from day dreaming about killing federal officials to actually advocating for it (as that post comes close to doing) then they may actually be committing a prosecutable offense.


Doug's serious face is so funny.


Generik said...

There is way more than just a hint of racism in Dougie's blood fantasy scenario, not to mention dreams of Ayn Randian glory.

" shall be the productive that shall leave them," -- read: rich white people who run big businesses and own corporations -- "and the looters which they will be left to rule over..." read: poor people, minorities and Dirty Fucking Hippies. In other words, his fantasy involves the movers and shakers of this country going Galt in a big way, then rallying together to kill off the unseemly left wing rabble that will be left behind.

The only thing scarier than right wing wet dreams is the dreamers themselves.

Tom said...

Yes, of course there is, but he does put a modicum of effort into disguising it. What he says is digusting enough, though, without even bringing racism into the argument.

The impotence of the whole thing is amusing.. and I do enjoy making sure they know we're laughing AT them.. not with them.

Kor said...

"It will however be unlike the previous time this was tried where states believed falsely that it was their right to secede in order to oppress persons within their boundaries and deny them their inalienable rights based on the color of their skin"

As opposed to oppressing persons within their boundaries and deny them their inalienable rights based on their sexual preference?

Just you know... while we're drawing comparisons.