Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It is Torture

Jesse Ventura: I would prosecute every person who was involved in that torture. I would prosecute the people that did it, I would prosecute the people that ordered it, because torture is against the law."

Larry King: You were a Navy S.E.A.L.

Jesse Ventura: Yes, and I was waterboarded [in training] so I know... It is torture...I'll put it to you this way: You give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders.

There will be no prosecutions, and I doubt even the lawyers that advised that torturing was legal will suffer any consequences.

This just isn't an American cultural issue. I doubt that any nation would prosecute their own citizens, much less their elected leaders, for war crimes. The Japanese would not have, if they had won the war. Neither would have the Germans. The United States did execute criminals who did exactly the same thing.

It's a tribal issue.. and while we like to think that somehow, the United States is somehow superior to other nations, we're not. We just have a great geographic and resource advantage.

Beyond that, in terms of justice, we have no moral authority to criticize any other nation.


And we're still waiting for that coward Sean Hannity to under-go waterboarding for charity as he bravely claimed he would on his show.

Have Jesse Ventura do it.

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