Thursday, May 07, 2009

Fuck Your God, Part XXIII

President Obama has opted out of having any sort of White House recognition for the "national day of prayer", as opposed to the circus of Jesus flogging that Chimpy has done for the last 8 years.

"At this time in our country's history"? Really? You mean if enough people pray hard enough, God is suddenly going to make the economy not suck? It's as if God is up there as an arrogant asshole, wanting his little peons to be subservient enough before he lends a hand.

What a twisted, fucked up view of the world. God isn't going to do a fucking thing about anything.. never has.. never will.

It's about time we get back to the founding principles of secularism in government. They can pray to their made up gods in their own private loon-o'-ramas. Government is no place for it.

It's about time Americans figure out that we will fix this shit, or not, and just wishing harder is not going to do a fucking thing.


Steve said...

Amen brotha. :P

Lynne said...

I would much rather have a president who is busy DOING SOMETHING, than praying. Any day.