The House of Representatives just passed H.R. 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It includes sexual orientation in the list of criteria which defines a hate crime. akin to race, etc.
The Loon Brigade claims that including sexual orientation by reference includes pedophilia. They see homosexuality as pedophilia, and thus, adds federal protections for pedophiles.
That's insane enough on it's own.. but it gets better.
They also claim that it "criminalizes" Christianity because it restricts "speech" that is derogatory of gays and pedophiles. I swear to god, that's actually what they think.
I'm not a big fan of hate crimes legislation, but if they're going to have one that covers minority conditions such as race, might as well throw Teh Gay in there as well.. but this paranoia and slander from the so-called "Christians" is beyond vile.
They are the scumbags of this nation.. and I take great pleasure in seeing them marginalized, ridiculed, and excluded.
NEW YORK – Samuel Wurzelbacher, the Ohio man hailed as "Joe the Plumber" by Republican John McCain's presidential campaign last year, said he believes gays are "queer" and said he won't allow them near his children.
And I call Joe the Plumber.. a stupid as fuck inbred hillbilly freak... and I wouldn't allow him anywhere near my kids, or anybody else's kids either. Stupid as fuck is a contagious condition you know..
Five states in the union have full blown same-sex marriage. It's only a matter of time, and not a lot of time, before there is federal recognition for those marriages, and eventually a Loving vs. Virginia style cram-it-down-their-throats decision that makes it nation-wide.
And the "gay rights movement" will officially end, because there will be nothing left to fight for.
Those fuckers can't touch us.. can't affect our families, or our relationships, or whatever the fuck we want to do, and that makes them crazy. They are.. impotent fundi freaks, flailing at a changing and evolving world that is leaving them behind.
Good riddance..
Cheers to that Tom! I'm hoping my state, the only NE state that does not have gay marriage will not be far behind. I'd like my daughter to be able to marry in her home state.
Not really related but i thought this was good....
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