Monday, May 11, 2009

Burning in Hell

JERUSALEM – Pope Benedict XVI pledged Monday to remember the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust, seeking to repair strains with Jews over one of the most sensitive issues at the start of a visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Benedict is using a weeklong pilgrimage to the Holy Land to reach out to both Muslims and Jews. He spent three days in neighboring Jordan before arriving in Israel.

While Israel's relations with the Vatican have improved greatly since Benedict's predecessor, John Paul II, visited in 2000, differences remain, none deeper than the widespread belief in Israel that the Vatican did not do enough to halt the Nazi genocide of European Jewry.

How nice.. the same evil son-of-a-bitch that denied the Holocaust is now trying to make nice with the Jews.. I wonder if he brought his Hitler Youth uniform with him, so they could talk about "old times".

Seems odd to me that the "journalists" who wrote the story do not also mention that the Catholics believe all those Jews went straight from the concentration camp to burning in Hell.

You know.. how Christians (like Doug) are absolutely convinced you have to "believe" in Jesus, or else be cast into the lake of fire.. right?

Why does that little tidbit always get ignored?

1 comment:

Kor said...

You know you have to give some props to the Jews from a religious standpoint. At least they were smart enough to call Jesus on his bullshit 2000 years ago and hang him out to dry for it :P

When you look at it objectively Christianity is just a 2000 year old popularist "Branch Davidianesque" cult off shoot of Judaism. Old mate from Nazareth rocked up one day pulled some fancy parlour tricks and had some mates give some “real life testaments” to his awesomeness and just started wandering around picking up a pile of overly gullible and primitive uneducated followers.

I'm pretty sure if Christianity wasn’t around today and if Jesus was born in 1972 and suddenly rocked up on the scene and tried calling himself the messiah of the Jewish church he'd have locked himself up in a secluded farm in Texas with a great big pile extremely nutty sheepish wacko’s with the ATF beating down the door.

People on a whole just aren’t as accepting of the super natural as they used to be (at least when it comes to new forms of religion e.g. Scientology and its laughable position). I mean the odd loon aside the only reason the great monotheistic religions hold any sway is because they’ve been around for thousands of years which for a lot of people seems to give their doctrines validity. Just because an idea is old it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s correct.