Thursday, April 16, 2009

Typical Tea-Baggers

(note: I wrote this post and dated it wrong, so it went in as an older post.. i'm bumping it back to the top)

These people are missing the point.

She said she retired on disability from M&T Bank three years ago after undergoing knee replacement and back surgeries. She lives on her Social Security and disability benefits. Last year, she petitioned the bankruptcy court for protection from creditors.

She said she did not have to pay federal income taxes last year because her income was too low.

"I don't want to see this country turn into a welfare, nanny state, where we stand in line for groceries, and we're in welfare lines, and in socialized medicine lines," Wilder said.

That woman was not just some random person at a "protest". She was the organizer.

Let's catalog the horrors of her mind.

1. She worked for a bank. The banks are receiving temporary funds in order to prevent the collapse of the financial system and help keep people employed at those banks.

2. She is on disability. This is a Socialist program that helps keep people who, through no fault of their own, are unable to work and are able to survive thanks to the program. This is Social Security.. which puts the Social in Socialism.

3. She has had numerous medial procedures, which would have been less financially devastating to her had it been paid for by a single payer non-profit system. That is what Medicare is. It's a Socialist program. Over half the health care provided in the United States is paid for by government.. i.e., it's already half Socialist.

4. She has declared bankruptcy, which if granted will remove her debt. She will no longer need to pay back her creditors for the monies that she rightfully owes them.

5. She does not pay taxes.. This is the class of individuals that Doug Gibbs despises. Despite that, she's at an "anti-tax" protest... protesting something she doesn't actually have to do.

In light of all of that, she insist that "I don't want to see this country turn into a welfare, nanny state, where we stand in line for groceries, and we're in welfare lines, and in socialized medicine lines,"


I've often said that the right wing lunatics actually advocate against their own self interest. That's about as clear as an example as you can get.. but again, we know they do this. We know they are crazy.. We know that if breathing were not a subconscious reflex, these people would simply suffocate themselves.

The question is.. why isn't this the standard response from every media organization who covers these events? We know the Loon Brigade cannot grasp how fundamentally insane they are. The only hope is to try and change the narrative to a more sensible point of view in order to persuade the fence-sitters.

I am simply frustrated that this woman survives because of the Social systems of the United States government.. yet has no sense of this, and rails against that which keeps her alive..

Perhaps we need a litmus test for all social programs.

Have you ever attended a "tea bag protest"? Application denied
Have you ever railed against "big government"? Application denied
Have you ever complained about the "welfare state"? Application denied

I could do that all day long..


In related news.. Texas Governor Rick Perry "speaks out about states rights", and threatens to have Texas secede from the United States..

Texas Governor Rick Perry recently accepted $17 billion in "stimulus" money from the Federal Government, as allocated by the treasury under direction of President Barack Obama.

Governor Perry also accepts federal funds and assistance for various natural disasters such as fires and hurricane damage, as well as assistance for border issues.

Texas is welcome to leave the Union. It's a big state, and would be a very good way to implement my hoped for ideological segregation. The Loon Brigade gets Texas. The rest of us, the rest of the US.

However.. once they leave the union, they get nothing. Sounds fair to me.


Lynne said...

My message to Texas: Don't let the screen door hit you.

Lynne said...

Also, this post is brilliant!

Michael said...

Lulz, saw this today and was compelled to poast.