Thursday, April 16, 2009

Still Not Gonna Last

(The blog formatting is acting weird on some browsers and I'm trying to figure out what's going on.. posts may disappear and reappear.

I have no idea why but i had to remove a couple posts to fix this.. just weird)

Watching Ed Schultz right now.. he's bagging on the TARP program and the money given to large financial institutions. He keeps making vague references to "helping the little guy".

The "little guy" is all well and good, but the TARP program was designed to prevent a complete financial meltdown in the US. The little guy won't mean shit if there is a collapse of the banking system and money stops moving.

I can appreciate his populist message.. great. But, he's bagging on President Obama over things that he simply is not smart enough to understand. I know the banks are doing some truly vile things.. but it's not really an issue with banks as institutions though.. it's more about the people they employ. Yes, they're worse than thieves.. but letting the banks fail as punishment only punishes everyone else.

The idea is to bail the banks out.. get them regulated as fuck.. get the money back.. and prosecute the fraud.

And this is why Ed Schultz is not going to last.


A bit more detail from somebody who actually knows something about the topic, here.


Lynne said...

I often wonder if the hosts on those MSNBC shows write their own stuff or are they just quacking?

Tom said...

Probably a combination of both..