Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Arlen Specter just announced he's going to switch parties.. (Republican to Democrat)..



Specter + Al Franken = 60 Democratic Senators.. for a filibuster proof majority. Combined with the Democratic majority in the house = ignoring Republicans completely..

lol - didn't think that was going to happen until the next mid-term election in '10.

He's obviously changing party in order to avoid a primary challenge..


Kos makes the point that Specter switching party is not such a great thing for the long term. I agree.

The problem will be that he's just a slightly better Lieberman. He'll not get any primary opponent from the Democrats, and will likely lose the general in 2010. That'll give the seat to the Republicans.

It won't matter though. Democrats are likely to pick up more seats in the Senate to compensate and solidify the 60 seat majority. For now, the message is the great thing... and that message is that the Republicans continue to be a fringe freak party.

Either or two things will happen. The Republicans will be owned by the Loon Brigade, and they lose elections continually because nobody really likes their policy positions.. or.. they move to the left.. which is okay because the policy is what is important, not the party. If Republicans like Teh Gay.. great.. I don't care who implements the policies.. just as long as they make Doug cry..

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