Monday, April 27, 2009



I am all for protecting this nation. This is why I supported The Patriot Act, though it took a while for me to come to that conclusion. The Patriot Act, I decided, was simply going to make legal what the government was doing already, and if the tactics prescribed by The Patriot Act would catch terrorists before they could commit another act of terrorism, I was all for it. My reservations, however, included the thought, "What if such intelligence capabilities fell into the wrong hands, like a tyrannical government who saw the citizenry of America as being a larger danger to their position of power than terrorists?"

I was wondering how the loon brigade was going to react when the Democrats inherited all the lawless spying power that the Republicans pushed through congress..

Apparently, it's all fine and dandy... when the Republicans control the government. When the Democrats are in charge, they are "tyrannical" by definition, and thus the expanded power is a bad thing.

I've been leaving comments for Doug, encouraging him to let it all hang out. It's obvious he's filtering himself.. and I'm hoping he lets his inner crazy run amok.

It's just a matter of time.. as it's going to be many years that Democrats control the government.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Yikes, I went over to Dougie's place to read the rest of this and, wow, has this man lost his mind or what?