Thursday, April 09, 2009

Like Clockwork

The other day I posted Obama's "America is not a 'Christian' nation" quote and predicted the Loon Brigade would lose their minds.. and they have.

Doug is so predictable.. but he's lying in the post.. I left a comment that he'll surely delete..

The level of dumb is, as usual, stunning.

In fact, his dangerous proclamation was a sign of weakness, and submission, to the radical Islamic enemy that is determined to bring down the West.

Captain pissy pants is still predicting that "Islam" is going to conquer us and make us all follow sharia law. It's a constant stream of paranoia that I find rather amusing.

For Christians, the percentage of how many people are believers in Jesus Christ is not a concern from a political point of view. It is, however, extremely motivated from the point of view of Salvation. The reason for spreading the Gospel is love.

No, the point of "spreading the Gospel" is money.. pure and simple. The freaks need more slaves for their mindless God army.. and they completely ignore that most people don't want to hear their bullshit.

Evangelical interest in politics is not an attempt to Christianize our government, but rather is an attempt to bring attention to those individuals in government that wish to squash freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right for Christians to assemble and worship freely through the creation of policies that are radically opposed to Christian freedoms.

There are no people in government trying to do anything with basic freedoms, unless you're talking about warrantless wire-tapping.

Christians can get together and do their crazy talking to the magic sky god. Nobody gives a shit.. just not in the public square where their insanity would interfere with everyone's right to not hear that bullshit.

It's just more paranoia from a deeply paranoid individual.

Historically, the Founding Fathers came from an environment where the government was essentially a theocratic dictatorship. The King, using the suggestions (or should I say "demands") of The Church of England to rule, demanded that all persons in the kingdom be members of The Church of England.

The vast majority of the founders were born in the colonies. Doug is confusing "pilgrims" with "founding fathers". Not surprising.. he is (say it with me).. stupid as fuck.

Though accused of being simply a deist, Thomas Jefferson invoked the name of Jesus Christ often in speeches, letters to his wife and colleagues, and in casual conversation. It is hard to believe that someone accused of being opposed to the belief in Jesus Christ would use the name of the Lord so many times in his day to day dealings.

The truth is that Jefferson was the most hostile to organized religion, hence the establishment clause. He is the primary reason that the word "Jesus" does not appear in the Declaration of Independence.

He also composed the "Jefferson Bible". He basically went through the new testament and ripped out anything to do with super natural events. He turned Jesus into what he really is.. a literary character that tells an interesting story. That's all..

Doug is so freakin' stupid, he makes claims about Jefferson and is completely unaware of Jefferson's point of view. Not surprising.. Doug is, after all, stupid as fuck.

The Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution are filled with references to the Almighty God, as well.

The Declaration has one single reference to "god". That's it.

The Constitution contains no references at all to God or Jesus.. none.. nadda. nothing.

And Doug is still so stupid as to believe the form of government is based on "Christian principles"? The bible does not contain a single reference to the hallmark of our system.. democracy.

How can Doug be that wrong? Stupid.. as.. fuck..

No other nation has used Christian principles and values as the primary foundation of their nation's political system. It is for this reason that America has risen up as exceptional, prosperous, and blessed. The Judeo-Christian roots of this nation were the basis for our laws, capitalistic economy, and tendencies to be the nation first in the efforts to help around the world when disaster strikes.

This is one of those paragraphs that is so vague as to be useless... but to connect the supposed "values" to anything that has happened with our nation is just fucking retarded..

Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with our form of government, and I defy anyone to make the case otherwise...

Now, as Godless socialism pervades our expanding government, immorality washes through our society, and our enemies become emboldened by our weakness that has resulted from degradation, one must ask a very important question: Is Losing God Worth It?

Losing the made up characters in your imagination is entirely the point. Wacky crazy beliefs are the root of most all problems we face.. and religion is, by far, the biggest influential factor in massive blood baths throughout history.

Just fucking crazy.. but funny crazy..


After I wrote this post yesterday, Christopher Hitchens was on MSNBC to "debate" Michael Steele on pretty much this exact issue.

Hitchens embarrasses the loon. I just checked Youtube and unfortunately there's no video.

However.. it was amusing when he pointed out that Ben Franklin was a avowed atheist, mentioned the Jefferson bible.. and stated that George Washington refused communion.

Still.. looking at long term trends over time, it is apparent the direction is positive.

Oh.. and Hitchens' book, God is Not Great would be a good read for those on the fence, or those Christians who are not mindless zombies.

Religion does, indeed, poison everything.. and we'll be much better off when we're free of those chains.

"monotheistic religion is a plagiarism of a plagiarism of a hearsay of a hearsay, of an illusion of an illusion, extending all the way back to a fabrication of a few nonevents."


Lynne said...

Tom, it wasn't Michael Steele he was debating, it was some other dumb fuck. Here's the link.

Tom said...

You're right.. and I found an NBC provided embed.. the youtube one will likely get yanked..

I wrote up a quickie new post with the link that will publish tomorrow..