Father Commolly commanded the owners to remove it.
"He pointed to the statue and very dictatorially and said, 'I curse you. I curse this place. I want to see this destroyed. I want her destroyed,'" said pirate owner Peggy Kanigoski.
Pirates are awesome.. and if you're a hetero guy, female pirates with big boobs and lots of cleavage are the very best..
To the whacked out freaks that are the Catholic priesthood, it'a a cause to do a silly command of misfortune upon a piece of plaster.
Actually.. it would be kind of funny if the statue did become cursed and crushed the head of it's owner between it's boobs.. that might make a good movie.
if the virgin mary statue looked like that i'd go to church...
Wish I was good at photoshop.. that would be funny..
the thing is... when i saw the picture before reading your accompanying post - i assumed some people had broken into a church and vandalised a mary statue - the face and the hair didn't look out of place.
it was then i starting thinking how a church founded around a buxom slutty pirate could really be a goer :)
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