Wow... If I was the person who made this... I'd be thinking... "What if I was wrong". I'd hate to have to answer for this some day. - Some Loon
I was reading a few comments on the "What would Jesus NOT do" video (which is brilliant btw) that I posted a few days ago, and that standard warning was tossed out as it always is.
That's the.. "if you're right, I've got nothing to lose, but if I'm right.." argument.
Look.. religious freaks.. it's a stupid argument.. k?
What the fuck happened to these people to make them want to worship a god that is such an asshole? Seriously.. every single action of this god.. and every single thing done in it's name has resulted in a blood bath of pain and misery..
And for what? He "died for our sins"? What the fuck does that even mean? I didn't ask some jackass to get himself nailed to a cross in order to forgive me for things I won't do until 2000+ years later.
I am responsible for what I do, and I don't want some mythical character to pre-empt that when I didn't even ask.
fuck your god.
And while I'm thinking about it..
What makes them think that Jesus "sacrificed" anything anyway? He's fucking God, right? He'd know there was to be an end to his pain and suffering. There was no fear of what would come next..
Besides.. even if you buy the twisted fucking version of the Mel Gibson and Doug Gibbs' of the world, that Jesus was put through a meat grinder before they crucified him, is that really any more a "sacrifice" then what millions of other human beings have made for their own countrymen in countless wars? Wars.. that were usually about religion!
For fucks sake, it's so simple.. and it pisses me off that these assholes keep raping the world of it's potential in order to prop up some myth.. just so they can make money.
They are the most vile human beings.. and they know exactly what they are doing.
Last Friday (at Friday Night Fine Dining), John invited one of his clients to have dinner with us. She is a former history prof, and attorney.. and much time was spent discussing her super-natural experiences and views of the world. John enjoyed it because he secretly likes to believe things such as ghosts exist..
When we first met, he dragged me to see John Edwards.. hoping that he'd give him a "reading" and visit from his recently deceased mother.
Dinner was painful.. but she owns a whole bunch of real-estate and John makes pretty good money doing transactions for her.. so I kept it relatively toned down.. but she's crazy as fuck.
.. and I ended up with a reading assignment.. as if I have time to read a fucking book.
Teehee, John Edwards.
Thank you, I'm glad you admitted you don't understand the whole "dying for our sins" thing. I never understood that and thought I was the only one. It makes no sense and yet they take it at face value. I also don't get original sin.
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