Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stupid As

Fox News speculates whether Obama is really the President of the United States, because the word "faithfully" was stated at the end of the stanza instead of the beginning.

These remarkably stupid mother fuckers do not realize that the oath was irrelevant as Obama became president at noon anyway.


I read Doug's screed about the inauguration. He's all in a twitter because public schools showed the inauguration of the President in their classrooms without sending permission slips home to the parents before hand.

Apparently the inauguration is a partisan event.

I'm rather enjoying the extreme crying and whining from the Loon Brigade. They're lost in the weeds, with nothing.. no political influence.. no ability to generate any excitement, nothing of substance to add to the policy debates, and no real way to get back in the game. They've isolated themselves as a Southern, white, Christian freak party.. and Obama is demonstrating the ideals of equality and inclusion.. a forward looking, rational approach devoid of made up bullshit and tough guy faux warrior posturing.

They've got nothing.. and I'm pretty amazed. The big controversy of the day is the placement of the word "faithfully".



Anonymous said...

Fox News speculates whether Obama is really the President of the United States, because the word "faithfully" was stated at the end of the stanza instead of the beginning.

Thank you Faux News for playing..... "Grasping for Straws!"

Anonymous said...

Just a side note after reading Doug's "screed"

Doug said...
I am referring to the moronic right-wing parents that kept their kids out of school, or were upset, because the public schools were showing the inauguration on television, and didn't even send home a parent's notification slip.

Yes, I am a conservative angry at members of The Right.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they gave him the oath again Wednesday night at the White House. Not sure if that has ever happened before.

Tom said...

I don't think it has.. but is it really in the Constitution that the President has to take the oath with the exact phrasing? I saw a clause about the transfer of power occuring at noon on Feb 20, but I'm not sure about the oath.

In any case.. I'm sure it was just a hedge against any lunatics who would make an issue out of it. I'm just irritated that Roberts couldn't get it right in the first place.

Tom said...

I checked, and yes, the exact wording is in the Constitution and yes it must be done just that way.. so they did it again.

Tom said...

Ugh.. okay so there's a Law prof from Harvard on my teevee just said that the exact wording isn't required as the 12th ammendment specifies that the prez takes office at noon.

He did say that it was a good idea to re-do it because there's a lot of lunatics out there that would file lawsuits over it anyway.