Friday, January 16, 2009

Sadly, No!

Doug has one of those "Socialised Medicine is a failure" posts, and it's getting to the point now where he's linking to an article and then lying about it. In this case, he referenced an AP article. Apparently he thought nobody would read it.

Douggie sez;

Also, included in the provisions are the state option to cover illegal aliens

The article sez;

Gives states the option of covering legal immigrant children and legal immigrant pregnant women who have been in the country less than five years.

Douggie sez;

The program mandates to the states to include dental coverage (the fed has no business mandating the states to do anything on the local level - constitutionally speaking)

Which of course is not true. The Fed can establish any guidelines they want when they give the states money. The state doesn't have to accept any mandate from the Fed for the SCHIP program by declining the Federal funds if they want. No mandate!

Douggie sez;

The program limits the ability for physician-owned hospitals to expand (in other words, how dare your business grow and become successful, and how dare you choose your clients).

The AP article also explains why physician owned hospitals have an unfair advantage in profitable cases. If those physicians don't like it, they can simply not participate in the program. Problem solved!

Douggie sez;

This is even more government intrusion into your lives with this Democratic bill, and more is coming with Obama in the White House.

Doug is certainly right about one thing though.. more is coming with Obama in the White House.

I wonder why conservatives react in masturbatory glee when we spend money to bomb the fuck out of Muslims, but become completely unglued when we spend money to provide basic health care for poor kids?

It's all very Darwinian, which is ironic because they don't actually believe in natural selection.

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