Friday, January 16, 2009

Prayer Cross!

On my teevee just now (MSNBC).. you can buy a genuine Austrian crystal studded prayer cross. In the crystal is a tiny Biblical verse and when you shine a light on it in just the right way, the verse "nearly miraculously" leaps out at you!

I'm totally jealous.. honestly.. Whoever is selling that crap is going to make a mint. John and I have talked about ways we could rip off gullible Christian freaks in Texas.. and I was thinking about starting a church or something, but that has the disadvantage of requiring me to know something about their myths. That would suck.

I totally missed the obvious.. selling useless crap with Jesus plastered all over it..

OH.. fuck me.. I know..

Okay.. what are they into more than anything else? Is it Shiny Happy Jesus?

Fuck no! They're into Super in Pain Bloody Fucked Up Jesus..

Okay.. how about we come up with a way to make jewelry bleed and sell that? We'll call them The Blood of Christ Cross.


Anonymous said...

I was just watching a show and saw that same commercial. Searched google for the owner and found them so I wanted to send you this link for your bleeding jewelry idea:

Anonymous said...

I love it - just saw that commercial too - searched for it online, and found your blog. It's so absurd... so sad that people would spend their money like that

Tom said...

Ya.. it's absurd.. but aren't the hyper-religious nuts absurd by definition?

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