Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Asshat Quote of the Day

Doug, don't approve Tom's idiotic comments anymore, he is trying to draw you in and you are falling for it. Ignore his ass, and he will vanish. He is a parasite, and when he finds no more use for you, he will go find another host. Don't enable him by approving any of his idiocy. Tom, you wanna play, comment on my site - and I will fuck you up.
SkyDiveRick | Homepage | 01.26.09 - 9:28 pm | #

Ohhh.. remember the mercenary, Rick? Awesome.. he's back.. and looking to take names and kick some ass.

So I went to his blog.. and he's got.. nothing. /yawn


Oh, and Rick.. if by "draw you in", you mean.. "actually reference factual information, argue with direct quotes and substantiate points", then yes.. I'm drawing him in.. and challenging him on his fucked up, lame ass, meaningless essays that are absolutely nothing but the same insipid "teh Liberals are stooopid" whines... over and over again.


And an update on that whole "Skinny Wimmens" thing.. he actually did end up approving my comment a few days after I wrote it. This bit from Doug is great..

Tom, you are wild. You believe asking questions is a definitive statement of belief? As for the born in Kenya deal, see the word "may"? Or does "may" in your language mean "for sure?" I could go on, and I allowed this comment to post, but it is a great example of your misunderstanding the point. But hey, if may means yes, and questions are answers, then it fully explains why you are so mixed up and confused.
Douglas V. Gibbs | Homepage | 01.24.09 - 11:38 am | #

He's found a magic word! We can all use the word "may" to absolve ourselves of any responsibility for what we say.

We could say.. for example.. Doug may be doing transvestite drag shows to earn extra money.. I mean.. he hasn't proven that he's not.. and I'm not saying he does drag shows.. but he may do it.

Not that there's anything wrong with drag shows.. not my cup of tea.. but you know.. I'm not judgemental that way..

We can find all sorts of uses for the magical word may.

Just a reminder of what he actually wrote;

On July 20th, based on data received on Atlas Shrugs and Texas Darlin', I wrote that I believed Barack Obama may have not been born in the United States and that the Birth Certificate provided for all to view on the Daily KOS looked to be a forgery.

But he used the word "may".. so.. ummm.. never mind.. or something..

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