Friday, April 18, 2008

Assholes of the Day

In remarks greeting the pope at the White House, Bush called the United States "a nation of prayer."

Bush was interrupted by applause as he said, "In a world where some treat life as something to be debased and discarded, we need your message that all human life is sacred and that each of us is willed."

Benedict responded by praising the role of religion in the United States.

"From the dawn of the republic, America's quest for freedom has been guided by the conviction that the principles governing political and social life are intimately linked to a moral order based on the dominion of God the creator," he said.
Anybody want to hazard a guess how many death warrants Bush signed as Governor of Texas?

154 over 5 years.. setting a record.

He even made fun of Karla Fay Tucker, pleading for her life.. before she was strapped down to a gurney and injected with chemicals that stopped her breathing, and stopped her heart. All human life is sacred.. my ass..

What you have is two of the most vile and evil sons of bitches in the modern world... slapping each other on the back.

And how the fuck do they get off claiming that "moral order" has anything to do with religion? Religion has proven that it debases morals... For fucks sake.. rent a move called Deliver Us From Evil, if you want to see how fucking twisted these assholes are.

This post from PZ Myers is a must read.. I'll be writing something about Myers himself next week..

An obscenely wealthy old man heading an organization that protects child abusers and advocates horrendous and ignorant social practices that harm the poor all around the world would look utterly hypocritical even trying to rebuke a war-monger and apologist for torture. So instead he stands there and tells him that they share common principles founded in fear of a nebulous god. Those are 'principles' I reject — they seem to be nothing but labile excuses for doing as you will to anyone who falls under your thumb.

There's an evil tableau for you: the callous torturer stands up with blood on his hands and a lie in his teeth, while the priest draped in gilt reassures him of his righteousness. How often has that scene played out in history, I wonder?
The answer, of course, is over and over and over.. because that IS religion.

Fuck your god.

How about you, Christians? These are your leaders, your paragons, your representatives of the power of your faith. Do you feel some slight tremor of shame that your values are on parade in an empty ritual in the foreground, and a brutal indifference to human life in the back?

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