Tom got away with a howler last time. He claimed that the Brits left Iraq with their tail between their legs.Man.. that's just so irritating, and so annoying that Doug thinks it's a good idea that I can't even respond to that.. Well, I think that's BS.
Sorry, Tom. The south is secure and in the hands of the Iraqis themselves. It's called job done.
I get sick and tired of ill-informed "liberals" making up "facts" to prove their specious points.
What I said, and you can go back and listen to the program to verify it, is that after the Brits left Basra, violence in the area decreased by 90%. That was ALL I said.. and the point was that with a withdrawal comes a reduction in violence, hence it makes sense to withdraw forces.
The link to the news report substantiating the claim is here.
Kris, I get tired of ill informed conservatives completely making up an argument that nobody put forward. I get tired of people like you having zero understanding of what is being said.. and I get tired of people like you completely mischaracterizing what I said.
Go.. back.. and listen to the program again... and stop such dishonest practices... you stupid fuck.
I just sent Doug an e-mail, basically giving him the middle finger. I won't be appearing on his show again..
The frothing from the loon brigade is just so pathetic. Thank Gorak that the conservative movement is dying.
I thought you did well on his show both times. Better the second when you were better prepared though.
I think the show would have been better without Doug's wife and without Loki.
Loki doesn't sound as intelligent to me as Doug claims he is. Sure he has a pretty in depth knowledge of the Constitution, but his interpretation of it is really bizarre, and how he thinks that his interpretation is so solidly fact and not necessarily an interpretation is just boggling.
I might skim through the program again one night and touch on some of the issues ya'll talked about, I had a few thoughts during the show I wouldn't mind talkin with you about.
Sucks you wont be doing it again though, I thought it made for pretty good radio, despite what the loons may be saying afterwards.
There is something fishy about that "Loki" character... I mean besides him being in-fucking-sane. That's sort of the baseline when it comes to conservatives. Loki is something more.
Dear Tom
Uh bud, forgive me if I didn't correctly interpert your comments. You, at the very least, gave the impression that the Brits turned tail.
And another thing, don't lump me as some sort of ditto head: I think for myself, ta very much.
As for Loki. I openly agree with you. He's gotta be the only person in America that doesn't accept Marbury v Madison as good law. He can spout the phrase "separation of powers" until the cows come home, but he has completely missed the "Rule of Law" other pillar of our legal system.
I have heard him say on his show that "he has studied the Constitution for 25 years". All I have to say to that is it took you 25 years and you still don't know what you're on about.
People who know WTF they're talking about test themselves against people who know more about. That is what a formal education is all about. To put it in simple terms, no matter how good you play on the school boy soccer team, if you don't play against better teams, you never get better. Let's put it this way: Loki's hardly in the Arsenal FC league of constitution experts. I suspect most high school Civics teachers would understand more than this so called "expert".
Neverthless, Tom, I still want an answer to my simple question. I've asked you enough times: Why are you fixated on Doug?
Why don't you do your own thing and let him and Loki get on and do theirs'?
As Arsene Wenger once said re Manchester United: I do not care what game they are paying. They play their game and we play ours.
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