Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Song of the Day

Korn is the godfather of nu metal. They created the genre, and are it's greatest artists.

Korn lyrics tend to be full of angst and anger. I suspect Jonathan Davis was abused as a child. They are renowned for their brutal beats and unusual vocal stylings of Davis, but they also dabble in more techno oriented sounds. Many of their most popular songs have been remixed into dance club style, and they're quite good.

Truly Jonathan Davis is the complete package.. the look, the voice.. the personality. It's pure cool.

A fews years back, the guitarist on the left, Brian Welch "found god" and is now a card carrying member of the Christian freak brigade. He was having problems with drugs and family life, and thinking he was not strong enough to straighten out his own life, he went fundi and quit the band. The ironic part is that he thinks "God" fixed his life for him, when ultimately it was all his own actions. He doesn't seem to have much faith in himself.

Korn's drummer is currently on leave. It looks like he's being replaced by Joey Jordison of Slipknot fame. Joey has a secret.. and I sort of wrote about it a long while back, but I can't find the post... but we're not supposed to reveal secrets about people who are not hypocrites, are we?

Anyway.. the song is one of their mellower pieces, with typical tortured Davis lyrics. Click the player on the right side bar.

Hollow Life

Beating the fall
I can’t help but desire of falling down this time
Deep in this hole of my making I can't escape
Falling all this time

We come to this place
Falling through time
Living a hollow life
Always we're taking
Waiting for signs
Hollow lives...

Fearing to fall and
Still the ground below me calls
Falling down this time
Ripping apart all
These things I have tried to stop
Falling all this time

Is there ever any wonder why we look to the sky?
Search in vain?
Asking why?
All alone?
Where is God?
Looking down?
We don’t know

We fall in space,
We can't look down,
Death may come
Peace I have found
What to say?
Am I alive,
Am I asleep?
Or have I died

(Wanting Peace)
We fall in space
(Wanting Peace)
We can't look down,
Death may come,
(Something takes a hold of me)
Peace I have found
(Something takes a hold of me)
I want to say my whole life,
Am I asleep?
We fall down.

We fall in space
We can't look down
Death may come.
Peace I have found

Bonus Korn.. one of their most popular songs and a really cool video..


Harried One said...

Jonathan Davis is Doug's (Loon's) cousin - no lie. Doug even began his last radio show with a snippet from Freak on a Leash.

Harried One said...

Oh, and according to my conversations with Doug, Jonathan was not abused. Jon, by the way, studied to be a mortician before forming KORN.

Tom said...

Oh no shit? That's really cool.. (the cousin thing, not the mortician thing LOL)...

Tom said...

Is it me, or does Jon look like Johnny Depp from Pirates in the video?