Sunday, August 05, 2007


Keith Olbermann and Jonathan Turley on civil liberties, at Crooks & Liars.

It's an amusing piece of history, but in the year leading up to the '04 election, the color coded "threat warning" was jerked up and down more than.. well.. you get the idea.

But now.. we have this ever present fear that "any day now", the Islamofacistterraists are going to kill everyone. OMG pee your pants.. they want to change our way of life, and make us worship Islam and put women in burkas and do.. all sorts of wierd shit!!

Well, fuck you. I don't live that fear. I don't wet myself. I don't think we should let Bin Laden determine our form of government.

The best way to give the middle finger to Bin Laden is to have an even more open and free society. Fuck FISA. Fuck all those assholes who piss themselves and want to trash the Constitution out of fear.

Fuck them.

Everyone needs to get a bit of perspective. There's roughly 300 million Americans. I once posted a map that showed the GDP's of individual states versus other nations. Our country dwarfs the economies of the other top 50 GDP production nations in the entire world... combined.. The United States is massive, and there's not a damn thing that the terraists can do to alter our way of life. Not a god damn thing.

For fucks sake.. every year, more than 40,000 Americans die in car accidents alone. The ONLY.. and I mean this quite sincerely, the ONLY thing the right wing pantload cowards have going for them is scaring people that we're all going to get nuked any day now. Take that away from them, and they have nothing.

The braver thing to do is, ignore those assholes and go on doing what we've always done. Be better than that. And if something awful happens, well, we pick ourselves up again and go on being Americans.. free.. and unafraid.

Fuck the Patriot Act and fuck those fuckers that scared us into accepting it.


Sky Dive Rick said...

hope you are ready to recant when Iran and their Islamic neighbors make good on Ahmadinejad's threat to annihilate Israel and attempt to do the same to the U.S. Read Epicenter by Joel Rosenberg, maybe you'll become educated.

Anonymous said...

The Patriot Act is a necessary inconvenience in a world where people like Ahmadinejad has vowed to drop Israel into the sea and destroy America. And I've seen the Epicenter documentary. Well done, and eye opening when it comes to how current events are following biblical prophecy.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad we elected Dems into congress to approve yet another Patriot-esque program.

Tom said...

Ya.. that was shit.. but we can't expect to broom out all the nuts quite yet. It was the "blue dog" democrats (i.e., in conservative states) that were the deciding votes.. not the party itself.