Friday, August 24, 2007


One thing occurred to me today. I don't think it's in the human nature to kill each other, despite the fact we've been doing it to each other for ages. I read right wing blogs, and I see what religious fundamentalists in the Arab world are doing, and I don't honestly believe that's how most human beings truly feel.

I read the blogs of the religious loons.. and I see their hatred.. their fear.. their insistence on killing and bombing.. and trying to convince us all that we're about to die unless we kill everyone else first.. and I honestly don't believe that's what the majority of human beings in this world believe.

We are, fundamentally, all the same. Some groups are just seriously fucked up right now with their extreme hatred of that which is slightly different than them.

I, honest to Gorak, don't think their point of view represents the majority of people in this world. Their time will soon be over... and we can get back to thinking about what's really important.

It's not "Islamofascists". It's not "illegal immigrants". It's not a couple fags wanting to get married. It's not Michael Vick.

So fuck you, you hate filled assholes. Time will sweep you under it's rug...

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