Monday, July 02, 2007


SkydiveRick has left a new comment on your post "Asshat quote of the Day":

Good writing, I suppose, is a matter of perspective. I think yours sucks. Doug told me you are trying to bait him, and it is immature for you to mention genocide - idiotic, I say, especially coming from a pro-abortion nitwit that has no problem with the genocide of millions of babies.
So.. Doug cried to you that I said mean things about him and now you've come to defend him? He's afraid to do it himself? Wierd. Perhaps he feels a sense of hypocrisy for commenting on my blog, while he deletes my comments from his.

Personally, I don't mind a clash of ideals - and I actually encourage it. Doug only preaches to the choir and isn't interested in any dissenting opinion. It's obvious that I caused him problems by pointing out, in his blog comments, the lies in the complete bullshit he posts day after day, but I'm okay just doing it here now.

I'm not baiting him. I'm writing about him and his movement - as a most excellent example of the loon-o-sphere. I don't really give a shit about Doug beyond using him as an example.

Of course, he likes to try to use me as an example, but he likes to be cryptic "you know who you are" - and he doesn't actually quote me. He just likes to try and argue against his version of what I said, as opposed to what I actually said. That's cowardly and dishonest. It fits his personality to a T.

As for my using the word "genocide" - it fits Doug perfectly. Did you not see where he declared war on Islam? Did you not see his talking about shooting women and children? Did you not see his use of images of atomic weapon detonations, and references of turning "sand into glass"?

How can you be that fucking stupid Rick? Doug writes it all - I quote it, and you think I'm being "idiotic" for using the word "genocide" in relation to Doug? He's absolutely convinced that we're going to be invaded and conqured by "Islamists". What the fuck else do you need to know?

You're also wrong in asserting that I advocate "genocide of millions of babies" - I don't advocate killing babies. I'm okay with destroying a clump of cells. If you want to think that a zygote is a baby, then that's your looney-toons issue. I'm personally opposed to third trimester abortions, except as advised by a physician, but I don't think I have the right to force that on anybody else.

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