Saturday, July 07, 2007

I use bad werds

I really do enjoy loon comments.

yourworstnightmare said...
Nice language, Mr. Tolerance. You didn't link to anything that I can see there, all you do is sling batshit nutcrap crazy lunatic leftwing insults and expect people to accept that you're full of facts and not full of shit.

You're basically...full of shit.
I'm not sure what harsh language has to do with being tolerant. Actually, it has nothing to do with being tolerant, but I do thank you for being critical of my language while simultaneously using the word "shit" 3 times - you stupid fuck.

Mr. Nightmare here has an inability to distinguish between opinion and factual assertion. See, when I call Doug a "shitbag", I'm stating an opinion. I think he's being a shitbag for some of the slimy and dishonest things he does. Conversely, if I say something like "50% of health care costs are paid by government programs", I'm making a factual assertion. I still need to dig up the link for that one because Dan thinks I made it up. I actually read a study before I posted it, and now can't find the study.

But, like Doug, Mr. Nightmare will not debate me on the issues I raise. He's just bothered by my harsh language because he has an inability to see the argument for what it is, and like any good bat-shit crazy loon, his mind implodes by the use of the word "Fuck" and it stops processing information right there. That's okay. You simply value style over substance. I can never really debate a person like you anyway, because you have a singular inability to separate out the relevant from the irrelevant.

So, why the harsh language? I don't put moral value on words. I don't give some almighty power to the word "fuck". I could have written that entire post, bagging on Doug being an asshole again, without using any harsh language. I could have written it like an Op-Ed out of the fucking Washington Post - but I like putting more emphasis on certain phrases, and do it with expletives instead of saying something like "really" over and over.

Right wingers piss all over themselves in fear when thinking about the "terrorists" and do much the same with harsh language. Well, fuck them. It's just words. The idea is what is important.


YWN said...

The word liberal is supposed to mean tolerant. You're not liberal?

Well we know you're not tolerant!

Liberal: free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant: a liberal attitude toward foreigners.


YWN said...

Since I'm planning on becoming a regular visitor to this ridiculous website that you seem to be so proud of, it might help if you picked up a dictionary, since you didn't understand or know that the meaning of 'liberal' - or one of the meanings of 'liberal' - is "tolerance".

I know you're not all that bright, but do try and keep up, alright?

Tom said...

Uh.. I know what "tolerance" means, thanks. You claimed that my use of "vulgar" language was not tolerant and I simply told you that one has nothign to do with the other.

So nice to have you here. It's going to be fun. Just remember, if you just go bezerk just to go bezerk, then I'll delete your comments. Have a point when you do it.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, this is gonna be awesome!

YWN said...

No, I'm not saying that you're vulgar use of language is not tolerant, pay attention.

I'm saying that your intolerance of people with an ideology that is not the same one you hold...are you still with me? ---is not 'liberal'.

Are you with me, or did I lose you again?

Maybe you should take some vitamins.

YWN said...

I just pointed out that you're a moonbat - and so a lot of other terms crop up that are related. Moonbattery, batshit, etc. Don't take it personal, Mr. Sensitive.

YWN said...

And by the way, liberal pansyboy, I think your blog sucks. So I will be sharing with you all of its suckery in its sublime and idiotic leftist moonbat suckishness.

If I disappear for a few days, it's because I'm getting ready to leave on vacation. assured. I'll be baaaack.

YWN said...

One other thing before I forget: your threats about deleting my comments have me laughing my ass off.

Because it's you leftards who are always complaining about "censorship", right?

So you're going to "censor" me? Awww. That is so disappointing. It indicates that you're not so confident of all the bullshit you're spewing over here. Because if you were, you would leave all the comments stand.

I guess that thing about the "Fairness Doctrine" doesn't apply here when you might be made to look the fool in your own comments section. I gather you've already figured that it could happen with me. Well chalk one up for you, leftard.

tsk tsk tsk.

YWN said...

Personally, I think I've made some excellent points here. It's too bad that you're not 'teachable' and don't feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

It's gotta be a 14 yr old girl without any Aderol. This is amazing.

Do we have some way to communicate with you if we need comedic releif. A Loon call as it were?

YWN said...

A 14-year old girl. okay, I'll bite. Maybe a 14-year old girl who knows more history than you, lol...

But honestly a 14-year-old girl with a larger and better vocabulary who actually knows how to use a dictionary? You give too much credit to the liberal indoctrination centers you call public schools nowadays.

YWN said...

"The idea is what is important".

What "idea"?

You haven't shared any "ideas". You have nothing but "slogans".

If you could come up with an "idea" on your own, that would be a twist, but everything I see here, I've seen at KOS, Huffington Post, etc.

You mean to tell me you don't have any original thoughts?

I get it, I think I have to wait for you to catch up. You're not a speed reader and you barely know how to type!

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing you cite examples of how Tom only has slogans and not ideas, otherwise I might think you were wrong.

/end caustic sarcasm

Tom said...

Holy crap.. LOL

I'm 3 sheets to the wind.. so I'm not going to do anything now.. but it'll be fun to see how this plays out.

Sky Dive Rick said...

the nice thing about the word "fuck" is like Bobby Knight used to say, it can be used as a verb, noun, adjective, a declaration of surprise, anger, confusion, dismay, etc. What a versatile word. However, overuse of such language tends to be sign of a lack of education or markers for psychological problems. As for your fact that Doug is batshit crazy, in this case, like with the majority of your "facts" it is all relative and a matter of perspective.

Anonymous said...

wow, maybe tom would take you seriously if you didn't post ever 3 minutes and throw useless banter at him. all your doing is calling him out and taking useless shots at him without really telling him what he said is wrong. i may or may not agree with everything he says but its his journal, he's entitled to his opinion. (and might i add that he is very intelligent - despite my views of what he says) you're entitled to debate, but if you're going to do so, don't start jumping down his throat for talking the way he wants to talk on HIS journal. make sense? and if you really want to bite on something you disagree with, be intelligent and state facts and reasons and evidence. spamming his site will give you no credibility and will not diffuse what he has to say. and for the love of all things that are good and noble, don't cuss at someone and say "OMG YOU USE FOUL LANGUAGE" thats the only reason i posted on this string of posts (i'm a frequent reader but i seldom post). thats all i have to say.

<3 christin joy.

Kris said...

Ladies, please! It's handbags at dawn.