Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Asshat Quote of the Day

Douglas V. Gibbs said...
Never said I hate gays. I, based on biblical principles, disagree with their lifestyle and would rather it not be paraded in front of my children. I am sure Cheney is not happy with his daughter's decision, but she is still his daughter, and his love for his child must be stronger than his disappointment for her sexual preference. That is not hypocrisy, it is having love for one's child. We may try to raise our children with the values we hold dear, but in the end, their life will still be their decision.
Can't believe I missed that pearl of mind reading, in response to this post about David "Spank Me Mommy" Vitter.

Doug says he doesn't "hate gays", but he supports the notion that gay couples should never be allowed to form stable and legally recognized relationships, just as anyone else can. The issues are vast, from inheritance rights, to hospital visitation - to over 1100 federal laws benefiting married couples. Not being able to marry actually hurts people.

If that isn't "hate", I don't know what it is. Maybe stupidity, and clearly vile. I don't give a flying fuck what your "biblical principle" is. I don't want your values paraded in front of my family and friends either, but we all have to live nearby to people we don't agree with, now don't we? The Equal Protection Clause insists that everyone be treated the same, and have the same opportunities.

By the way, Doug is so fucking stupid that he actually believes that being gay is a "choice". Despite every reputable shred of science stating the obvious and contrary, Doug is forced to believe that being gay is a choice, otherwise it's no different than race, is it?

It must amaze Dick Cheney that his daughter would "choose" to be a lesbian, despite having every reason not to be. Heck, Doug is convinced that because Cheney is such a proper conservative, he must be "disappointed" in his daughter and the "life-style choices" she has made, including having a baby with her partner. It's as if she just woke up one day and decided she was going to be into women.

Have you even seen Mary Cheney?


How the fuck does Doug know Dick Cheney's point of view about his daughter? How the fuck does he know what's in the man's mind? Don't you think the whole FMA debacle was just a useful tool for stoking the fires of morons like you Doug? We haven't heard a peep about it since the '04 election, have we?

Do you actually think Cheney and Bush have an issue with gay people? Do you even know who Ken Mehlmen is, you stupid fuck?

Thank the God (or not-God) of your choice that this country is not run according to Doug's "biblical principles".

Once again, here's Dick and Lynn Cheney looking terribly "disappointed" at what their lesbian daughter has done.

Here's a close-up of the baby for you Doug..

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