These stories warm my heart.
U.S. Sen. David Vitter made the following statement today about his telephone number being on the old phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates prior to his running for the U.S. Senate. He respectfully requests that the statement be used in full without editing or paraphrasing.Greenwald has all the family values goodness.
"This was a very serious sin in my past for which I am, of course, completely responsible. Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there-with God and them. But I certainly offer my deep and sincere apologies to all I have disappointed and let down in any way," Vitter said.
To Vitter, there is not a single issue more important than amending the Constitution to ban same-sex marriages. Not a single one. That is the most important issue there is in the United States. Whatever one's views are on same-sex marriages and the like, just imagine what has to happen in a person's life in order to make them think banning them is the Most Important Issue in the United States.How amusing. Damn those homos in love.. I need my prostitutes!!!
Same-sex marriages are, to Vitter, no different than natural disasters which destroy the lives of thousands of his constituents:
The larger picture, naturally, is this myth of right wing family values. They divorce at higher rates after all. They just like spewing their evil bile, while behind the scenes they're fucking whores. That's the right wing movement in a nutshell, isn't it? They tell you one thing, and sneak around fucking whatever they can.
Naturally, the larger issue is that men are pigs. It's the dirty little secret of society. Men are biologically wired to fuck as far and wide as possible. There may be a very few minority of men that don't have a constant desire to step out on their wife or boyfriend, but they are an extreme minority. Technology is making it much easier to do it.
By any measure, the right wing can't live up to their own ideals. Whether it's Mark Foley with the boys, or Vitter with the ladies, everyone is driven by sex. Every man with a clear opportunity to do it with the reasonable expectation that they can get away with it will.
Family values isn't what assholes like Vitter claim it to be. It isn't what the conservative hypocrites claim it is. It isn't the constant hypocrisy and lying.
The amusing thing is that this is likely just the start of the flood. The "D.C. Madame" is going to publish her phone list. There's going to be a lot more "family values" freaks on it.

I looked for a picture of Mary Cheney with her partner Heather Poe and their new baby. I couldn't find one. I wanted to show what "family values" looks like. It seems the right wing is shamed by that example.
I did, however, find..

The right wing hypocrits will decry the example of a lesbian couple with a baby, but there is their icon, their God, their example of what is "moral" in this world, proudly displaying the product of that "immoral" family.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
So, to recap: in Louisiana, Vitter carried on a year-long affair with a prostitute in 1999. Then he ran for the House as a hard-core social conservative family values candidate, parading around his wife and kids as props and leading the public crusade in defense of traditional marriage.
Then, in Washington, he became a client of Deborah Palfrey's. Then he announced that amending the Constitution to protect traditional marriage was the most important political priority the country faces. Rush Limbaugh, Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich supported the same amendment.
As always, it is so striking how many Defenders of Traditional Marriage have a record in their own broken lives of shattered marriages, multiple wives and serial adultery. And they never seek to protect the Sacred Institution of Traditional Marriage by banning the un-Christian and untraditional divorces they want for themselves when they are done with their wives and are ready to move on to the next, newer model. Instead, they only defend these Very Sacred Values by banning the same-sex marriages that they don't want for themselves.
Yet no mention of Clinton denying that a blowjob is sex, or Mayer Villaregosa-La Raza's affairs (Los Angeles Democrat Mayor) with other women, and the list goes on and on and on. Yes, people do wrong things. I am not condoning or excusing them. But do you really believe that you should make the mistakes of certain people as being representative of an entire faith? And how many of those Christians that are divorcing are truly Christians? There are plenty of people that call themselves something, but it doesn't necessarily mean that's what they are.
The issue is hypocrisy. Clinton was just trying to not get caught by his wife. Right wing loons like this guy Vitter make a living off hating on other people (he wrote an editorial calling for Clinton's impeachment btw) while simultaneously fucking hookers. What a scumbag.
You can't claim that those people are not "Christian" if they say they are. That's not how it works. Fact is, the divorce rate in "red states" is much higher than "blue states". That's just how it goes.
Do you support making divorce illegal Rick?
And Bill Clinton hasn't been President for some 8 years. Everytime something comes up now, the wingers yell "Clinton did it!" over and over.
Is Bill Clinton the roll model for your movement?
Never said I hate gays. I, based on biblical principles, disagree with their lifestyle and would rather it not be paraded in front of my children. I am sure Cheney is not happy with his daughter's decision, but she is still his daughter, and his love for his child must be stronger than his disappointment for her sexual preference. That is not hypocrisy, it is having love for one's child. We may try to raise our children with the values we hold dear, but in the end, their life will still be their decision.
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