Monday, June 25, 2007

The Wages of War

Are not always death.

Meanwhile, Doug is heading up to his vacation home in Oregon. Be sure and look for the Islamic boogeyman while you're there Doug. Maybe you'll get to shoot one of the kids if you're lucky.


Anonymous said...

So far all I have found here is peace, quiet, and gun owners. No Islamic Boogeyman here, they are too afraid, the natives are armed. And this, Tom, is my future home. Oregon Coast is paradise to me, especially compared to Southern California. 80 acres of peace and tranquility. Still blogging, just spending more time doing other things for the time being. Ciao.

Tom said...

It does look very serene. I like urban environments for every day life, but some peace and quiet on occasion is good.

I went to college in Flagstaff Arizona. Your pictures reminded me of that. It's similar, minus the coast.

Steve said...

Holy jesus, are you two being civil towards eachother?

Maybe if we send all the islams to somewhere green and all wildernessy they'll go all soft. :)


Douglas V. Gibbs said...

Paradise, Steve. Civil? Perhaps. I hate no one, but like Tom, I believe strongly in my principles, but between he and I the beliefs are at the opposite side of the spectrum. I may disagree with him, but I respect his right to believe what he may, and support his freedom to voice his opinion - on his site, or any other forum that accept his opinion. Tom will call me a hypocrite for this because I do not like liberal trolls leaving their droppings in my comments section - my analogy stands: my blog is like my house. If someone that does not belong their shows up crashing the party on my property, they ought to be removed from the premises. That does not mean I don't support their freedom to do or say what they may, I just don't want them doing it at my house. By the way, I made it back home safe, and the Oregon Coast truly is paradise. I plan to move there in a few years - once my children are finished becoming settled, or decide to go with us. Son is 22, daughter almost 17. We'll see how long it will take. I don't normally comment on your site, and I apologize for the intrusion - it was either e-mail or this - and I felt in this case this was the better vessel.