Friday, June 22, 2007

A Certain Liberal

Doug attempts to rebut my points, without actually referring to me, or quoting anything I wrote. It's a train wreck.

I like this part;

Does this mean that I believe we should be going around killing women and children? Not on your life. But I guarantee you, if a woman or child had a gun pointed at my head, I'd pull my own trigger.
Which, of course, was preceeded by this bit;

The liberals, when observing the conservative viewpoint of dealing with terror from a position of strength, sees the Right as bloodthirsty and militaristic.
Well, how the fuck could we get that idea? LOL

Doug's not going to be pulling any trigger. He's fighting the war on his keyboard instead.

And of course Doug goes back to his "war on Islam".

Okay, let's get back to the War on Terror - which is essentially a war against an ideology called "Islam" that has determined that you and I must be converted or be killed.
Doug's still trying to wage the 5th crusade. It's really quite odd. There is a fringe, very much like Doug is fringe, minority of the 1+ billion Muslims in the world. Doug's trying to figure out a way to kill all of them. Good luck with that.

Example: A certain liberal that loves to post about me (he says it's because what I write provides so much fodder) said that I said I was against the war and for it in the same post. It took me a while to figure out what he meant.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about because you don't actually quote me (which is a totally dishonest practice by the way). I think he's referring to my amusement when he called liberals "unpatriotic" for believing the war is "lost" in the same exact post where he himself claims the war is lost.

As he wrote in that post;

Now, with us tippy-toeing around all of this politically correct B.S., we have lost the war because we have refused to fight it.

Oh, and yes, for those of you that give me grief, I do think you are unpatriotic for calling a war a lost cause as our troops fight it.
That's why I like directly quoting Doug. He has a tendency to hang himself with his own words. He doesn't quote me because he likes to argue against his version of what I wrote, as opposed to what I actually wrote.

Finally.. I liked this part;

Then, later, after ranting about my Christian Values, he told me to shove my values up my ass.

Ann Coulter was right about the Left. Godless.
Not Godless Doug. Just not YOUR God.. and I find it beyond hysterical that you take exception with my telling you to shove them up your ass while every day, in every post, you make the most vile and unsubstantiated criticism of liberals.

So ya.. shove them right up your self-rightous, indignant, bigoted, Neo-Nazi ass Doug. Get it real deep.

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