Friday, April 06, 2007

To the poll

I forsee a future involving handfulls of Vicodin and a bottle of vodka.

In other news.. we're now up to 120 people a day stopping by to see what's going on, and the blog, frankly, sucks ass right now. I don't get it.

I think starting on Monday I'll start putting more into it. Politics will not be the central theme like it used to to be. I think maybe I'll write about more philosophical themes. I'm still quite perplexed by this whole existence thing.. about having thoughts, and why they are there and where they came from and what will happen to them in time.

But whatever I write I hope to do it with a brutal rawness and honesty. There is a freedom in that, in not giving a shit about expectations, about doing what may prove to be a mistake in the future.

Hmmm.. had a thought this week about evolution. How did eyes evolve? Wouldn't biology have to know about the existence of light before it could evolve organs to see it? How did ears evolve? Wouldn't biology have to know about sound waves before it could evolve organs to hear it?

Will somebody solve the chicken and egg conundrum someday?

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