Boris Yeltsin
If I know Gorak, and I should since I'm the high-priest of Gorak, then I'd imagine they're having quite a "getting re-acquainted" party right about now..
I'm really fucking sick.. but I went to work anyway.. and I blogged anyway (not while at work by the way).. because I'm such a dedicated guy.
I know I wasn't supposed to.. but I saved some anti-biotics from my recent surgery. I think I might have "walking pneumonia", and maybe that'll clear it up. I hate going to the doc.. and getting a script, and getting it filled and all that bullshit.
Here's how pharmacies should work. The pharmacie's should put all their shit on-line.. and you search for the med you want, the number that you want, and then you give them your insurance or credit card info and hit submit.. then you go pick it up an hour later. Screw needing a physician prescription.. even for the "fun" meds like Vidodin's and such. If you're over 18.. you control what you put in your own body.. fuck the government telling you what you can and cannot do..
Ya.. I know.. if you screw up with anti-biotics you could potentionally help the bugs become more resistent. Screw that. I want some joy pills and badass anti-biotics right now..
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