So.... Darth Cheney has a blood clot in his leg...
or.... does he?
It seems pretty obvious the Republicans are going to get creamed in the '08 election. What to do.. what to do? Why - have the despised Cheney "retire" due to a faked medical reason and get a replacement that can also run for President in '08.
So, who's it going to be? Condi Rice? Woah.. lesbo alert! No way!
This might sound crazy.. but I'm thinking Jeb Bush. A dark horse would be Newt Gringrich. But, if the Bushie's want to not seem insane.. then Mike Huckabee.
Unless I'm really off, the VP would go to the president pro temp of the senate yes?
Nah.. prez picks. I think the last time that happened was when Agnew resigned.
Really? Nixon picked Ford? Have to do some research I guess. I figured it would follow the same chain the presidential succesion does.
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