Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What the...

So this is weird.. I'm looking at visitor stats again, and I see a .mil hit, and so check the referral.. and it's from this site.

Apparently it's "The fantasy blog stock market" - sort of along the lines of fantasy football. My blog is ranked 16 out of 100 as a "hot stock". Seriously.. check it.. LOL


John Ensminger said...

Now, that is kinda cool.....in a weird sort of way.

Steve said...

I can't find your blog listed on there. :(

That site is "pretty well put together though" it's amazing I can't find it...


Anonymous said...

I'll have to dig up a similar site I found for Fantasy Armageddon.

You had 100$ to pick your world leaders who you thought would most likely bring about the end of civilization as we know it, and the news everyday would affect prices.

It was actually kinda fun.