Tuesday, October 10, 2006

They get letters

Sully is pimping his new book. I sent him a letter....

Andrew, as I read your blog and others, and see comments such as made recently by Fareed Zakaria, and the one more year. And that's it, comment from Ralph Peters, I wonder, how can any of you have a conscience to offer more opinion? Peters comment, in particular, is simply 2 Friedmans, if you know anything about how lefties measure Iraqi time.

I ask this as an honest question, rather than trying to insult you. I'm just an engineer that likes to read blogs, and I find the pundit watching entertaining.

You've bungled the biggest political event in your lifetime - this Christianist Republican movement, and two wars. Many people saw the obviousness of what was going on from the very beginning, and you blew it as completely as a pundit can. Now, you talk as if firing Donald Rumsfeld will change anything. Those that were right the first time will tell you that the disaster is inevitable regardless, but for some reason you still seem to think you can just write "fire Rumsfeld" over and over and everything will turn out okay?

How many Friedman's will the military need to "win" the war once Rumsfeld is gone Andrew? Thousands of people are dead already.

I think the issue is that there is no failure in pundit-land, just a difference of opinion. In my job, if I fuck up as monumentally as you did, I'm done. Time to look for a new profession and get some therapy. For pundits, the profession seems to be about personality and crafting words, regardless of what the words say. That's the Ann Coulter method, and if you were honest and stop to think about it, you and Coulter share much in common. It's the tone that is different, but you both perform your jobs the same way.

If you truly did believe in "personal responsibility" as you wrote on your blog - you would have taken a hiatus at least for your failure instead of trying to mitigate it as if the failure belongs to one man, or a small inner circle. With each such post, you compound your failure, but you just can't seem to finally say, "I screwed this up and don't deserve your audience anymore".

Anyway.. good luck with your book.. I suppose we shall see if the public continues to buy your "product". I guess, as with any product, the consumers will decide. I just hope they can make an intelligent decision.
Bet he doesn't even read it.. but I write it not really for Sullivan, but as my statment of protest to all the stupid fuckers that got it all wrong.

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