LONDON - Prime Minister Tony Blair and author Salman Rushdie praised a British official on Tuesday for raising the difficult issue of whether Muslim women visiting his office should remove their veils.I don't give a flying fuck what somebody does in their own home.. but immigrants must integrate in the larger society they enter when in public. Fuck those Muslim assholes. I'm really getting tired of that shit.. If you go to a Muslim nation, you can bet your ass they're going to expect you to abide their cultural traditions, and that's fine. But you can't have that shit both ways..
The comment by Jack Straw, a former foreign secretary who now is leader of the House of Commons, has plunged Britain into a debate over Islamic integration.
Most every other race integrates well, but it's gotta be the god damn fucking Muslim assholes that think they can force everyone else to deal with their in-fucking-sane bullshit religion in their own god damn country no less..
Salman Rushdie fucking rules by the way.. that guy has balls...
PLANO, Ill. - House Speaker Dennis Hastert met Tuesday with an evangelist who hoped to persuade the Illinois Republican to step down because of the congressional page sex scandal.What the fuck? What the fuck is the speaker of the fucking house of representatives doing meeting with some bat-shit crazy evangelical asshole and why is this news?
Hastert had no comment after the meeting at his home with Christian evangelist K.A. Paul, founder of the Global Peace Initiative.
Paul told The Associated Press he met alone with Hastert for about 30 minutes and prayed with him.
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