Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Liberal media?

Below I posted a screen cap I took of the AP putting a picture of Foley on a Ned Lamont story.. but when I was looking at the pictures slide show (from where I got the pic of Hastert in full fellating mode), I noticed that the AP was using Mark Foley (D-Fl) on a lot of the pictures, and it's in other stories as well. Seems Bill O'Lielly also was referring to Foley as a Democrat.

I know conspiracy theories suck, but I really do believe there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" without which Republicans would never win elections. Face it, put the current Republican party in any other industrialized western nation and they would lose miserably. Hell, the Torries in the U.K. are down right flaming liberals compared to American Republicans.

So the new "bombshell" is that Foley claims he was "molested as a teen" as if that has anything to do with anything. The story simply points out the obsessive sexually repressed society we live in. There are far more important issues to obsess on. Why do we care that much what Foley was doing with the apparently willing pages? I sure don't give a shit.

People are dying in wars for god's sake..

My prediction is that Hastert resigns Friday afternoon.

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