LOS ANGELES - It's a familiar image for millions of Christians: Jesus Christ, with a crown of thorns, hanging from the cross. What color is he? In a controversial new film opening Friday, he is black.
"Color of the Cross" tells a traditional story, focusing on the last 48 hours of his life as told in the Gospels. In this version, though, race contributes to his persecution.
It is the first representation in the history of American cinema of Jesus as a black man.
"It's very important because (the film) is going to provide an image of Jesus for African-Americans that is no longer under the control of whites," says Stephenson Humphries-Brooks, an associate professor of religious studies at New York's Hamilton College and author of "Cinematic Savior: Hollywood's Making of the American Christ."
What Jesus looked like has long been debated by theologians around the world. Different cultures have imagined him in different ways, says Stephen Prothero, chairman of the religion department at Boston University. In Japan, Jesus looks Japanese. In Africa, he is black. But in America he is almost always white, like the fair-haired savior painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in "The Last Supper" in 1495.
And Jesus spake, "werd!"
And lets say Mohammed was chinese, budda was irish and Haile Salassie a native american indian.
Will the blacks ever loose that chip on their shoulder??
Well, he definitely wasnt Charlton Heston.
More than likely, he would be similar to Osama bin Jesus.
More Charlton than Morgan Freeman.
Remember 2,000 years ago that area was a lot whiter than now, just like Egypt a few thousand years ago.
The people that built those pyramids and the wonders of the middle east migrated west and founded the West as we know it today.
Civilisation just moved on and let the barbarians take their place.
Your sheer lack of intelligence and critical thinking borders on astounding.
How do you manage to breath?
I believe in free speech and democracy.
You seem to believe in free speech unless someone disagrees with you too much!?!! (You're in good company - Stalin and Hitler)
Don't be scared of having you opinions and thoughts challenged.
By the way, have you caught Garth Marenghi's Dark Place? It's a great comedy right down your street, check out the clips on YouTube!
Hey Tom, did you check out Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, I think it appears on the Sci-Fi Channel in the US.
You mentioned before that you liked the Office - so you'll love this.
Check it out on YouTube!
I think I'd make a good emperor..
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