"Into the night," by Benny Mardones: "She's just 16-years-old, 'leave her alone,' they say ... "Sully's actually been writing some good stuff on the Foley debacle, but then he's usually spot on with the gay issues, and dead wrong on everything else.
"I saw her standing there", by the Beatles: "She was just 17, you know what I mean, but the way she looked was way beyond compare ..."
"You're 16," by Ringo Starr: "You're 16, you're beautiful, and you're mine ..."
It's interesting to note that Sullivan often turns to Southpark for relevant analogies on social issues. That really is the brilliance of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. They weave common sense into the humor in a way that makes a point. Most good shows do that. Heck, go look at the original Star Trek episodes and they are rife with social commentary. It seems a lot of people just don't get the point, but then that's because most people are stupid as fuck.
Of course the Foley situation has nothing to do with orientation and everything to do with abuse of power, and just being a dumbass. That happens regardless of orientation. But, as Sullivan points out, when dealing with republicans, they cannot even begin to imagine that orientation isn't a factor. Gay has to be bad or else their entire social agenda implodes and all the Christian haters won't vote.
But it's quite another thing when the media pushes the meme;
GLORIA BORGER: Just a few hours after Kirk Fordham resigned as chief of staff to Tom Reynolds, the House Republican campaign chairman, Fordham told the Associated Press that he had more than one conversation with senior staff at the highest level. That means Hastert’s staff. Fordham was once a top aide to Mark Foley and is known to be gay. CBS News has learned that several other top Republican staffers who handled the Foley matter are also gay. Their role in this controversy has caused a firestorm among Republican conservatives who charge that a group of high-level gay Republican staffers were protecting a gay Republican congressman.With the media, the issue has to be this secret homo cabal in the Republican party that has strong armed the "Christian" leadership to ignore the pedophile. Apparently the story is not about how some Congressman fucked up, and how the Republican leadership turned a blind eye in order to retain a house seat. It's gotta be a homo conspiracy - and the media fucking gets away with it.
TONY PERKINS: Was the leadership afraid to stand up to that network out of fear of being labeled homophobic or gay bashing?
BORGER: Hastert’s office didn’t immediately respond to Fordham’s charges, saying it’s a matter for the ethics committee to handle. But Republicans won’t wait that long and they could still decide that Hastert has to go. Katie?
KATIE COURIC: Alright, thanks so much, Gloria.
Hell, check Wikipedia for "republican sex scandal" and it'll turn up a huge list of heteros doing stupid shit. None of those scandals were framed to ask if heterosexuality was to blame.
This assumption of gay = bad is something that gay people live with every single fucking day, and it sucks. It really is a civil rights issue, just the same as slavery. While it is true that the degree of physical harm is not the same, mentally it's very similar. Sure, we can pass as straight and hide it, but in the end we know what everyone else thinks, and day after day it can drag a person down. I guess that's why I'm so vocal about it. It's all bullshit and I'd just as soon punch that bitch from CBS news right in the fucking face.
Of course if I did that, the meme would be that homosexuals are violent. So, I'd have to punch her again.
But, it's one thing to be stupid as fuck on the issue, as most heteros are. It's quite another to be a gay republican. Those fuckers are the worst. They are actively doing harm to the cause of civil rights. The closeted ones are the lowest of the low. They have taken what is their fundamental nature, and trashed it - and worse, not just for themselves, but for the rest of us as well.
Personally, I abide no bullshit.. and can we please get past this notion that 16 year olds are babies that can't look out for themselves?
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