Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bye Denny

Well, this Foley scandal continues to dominate the news. I sincerely wish it was the Iraq war scandal that dominates, but I guess we have to be pragmatic and enjoy seeing the Republicans implode.

The latest news is a feeding frenzy of finger pointing as desperate politicians try and salvage their careers. Hastert is holed up in his house and hasn't left in over a day. The Republicans like to mitigate negative fallout, so they tend to announce bad news late Friday afternoon so it doesn't get as much media exposure. I'm pretty sure Denny will bite the dust then.

The question is, will Hastert be the only one? I'm thinking that will be the case, though I could pick out some others that should resign in shame.

All this brings up a question; why would anyone go into national politics? Sure, it would be cool to be the prez, but anything else would have to suck. You have no privacy, and there's lots of people out there trying to fuck up your life in a very public way. And don't tell me any of these fuckers really give a shit about "serving the public".

My theory - they make a lot of money. It's all greed. Many of them use earmarks for their own states that conveniently benefit themselves. Hastert was notorious for doing that. They buy real-estate, then earmark federal dollars to develop the areas they own, and then sell the property at big markups. Then, after they leave congress, they work as lobbyists, or sit on corporation boards, and rake in the dollars.

I think the reward/risk ratio does not support giving it a try.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I think going into politics is all what you put into it. If you're a lying dirt bag and you get caught it's going to get nasty.

However, if you enjoy going out to the titty club and have a few brews, so long as you don't try to hide it I don't think shit would hit the fan like it does with these guys.

So long as you keep your shit within the law you can get away with anything so long as it's not being kept a secret.
